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Indy Fur Con 2022 Review!

Character Art by: nilsongomes (Fiverr)

Most might not know it but, I was born and raised in Indiana. I grew up in a small city known as Terre Haute and it’s very easy to live under a rock when you come from a place so tiny. Some might know my history in finding the Furry fandom. I was introduced to it via a friend back in 2007 and had a very hard time finding communities so that I might explore the fandom a bit more in my teenage years…
Needless to say, Furries still weren’t very well-known back in 2007 (at least, not where I was from), and those that did know about Furries did not really accept them. So, a few years back when I was checking out a massive list of stateside conventions, you could say that I was more than a little shocked when I found out that my home state hosted its own Furry convention, and that this convention was only about an hour away from where I lived!

IndyFurCon (iFC) is an annual furry convention based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The event was first held at the Hilton Indianapolis North on August 13-15, 2010.


Like all Furry conventions, this event was partnered with an organization for charity. In the past, iFC partnered with Southside Animal Shelter, but, for the past few years (maybe more) and in 2022, iFC partnered with EARPS (Exotic Animal Rescue & Pet Sanctuary), raising money for the various animals in their care in order to get them the surgeries and medical attention they need as well as raising awareness and hopefully finding these animals their forever home.

Having not gone to a convention since 2018, I was itching to get back into the scene of it. I missed suiting, I missed the energy that the conventions had, and, I wanted to see how my homestate and its convention might differ from the other conventions I had attended in the past. Also, unlike other conventions where I would be rooming and hanging out with other suiters and Furries, this year my little Sister wanted to come along…a non-Furry wanting to attend a Furry convention to see if she could figure out the appeal.

And here was my overall impression…

  • The Hotel:

The convention took place at the Marriott East Hotel in Indianapolis, and don’t get me wrong, this place is beautiful! There were several spaces open and available for running panels, the rooms themselves were very spacious with a few appliances for use (mini-fridge, TV, reading lights on the bed boards, coffee maker). The bathrooms were a bit cramped but, there was a massive tub so…there’s a plus! The rooms were nice and clean and I had no complaints about where we were staying in the slightest. We even had a good view of the courtyard! Between the restaurant/bar, the courtyard, the massive parking lot, the fountains, etc…this hotel really was like a dream!

Not only was the hotel itself super nice but, the location of the hotel was nice as well. While it’s nowhere near downtown Indianapolis (which is where all the shopping and bars are located), the hotel itself was located close to several different restaurants that were all within walking distance. There was Subway, Arby’s, Culvers, and even a McDonalds. For Furries that were on a budget this was super convenient since you would not have to DoorDash your food, and what was available wasn’t super expensive either. Not to mention, if you don’t have to use your car, you won’t have to worry about losing your parking space. There was also a Dollar Tree within walking distance which means even more for those that are struggling with extra money. So…as far as location goes, I think the Marriott is super convenient and a blessing for those that don’t have a ton of money to spend at the convention.

My only complaint would be the lack of elevators and the fact that for a hotel that has done this convention before…the Staff at the hotel did not really seemed prepared.

The first issue I had with the hotel was entirely my fault. Like most people, I reserved the hotel room online several months in advance (since rooms fill up quick) and I was convinced that the money had taken out from my account. But, when I got to the hotel, it turns out that online I had never paid- the system merely reserved my room for me and now instead of $325 and some change, I would owe $450 because of an incident fee they apply to the room (which you get refunded if there is nothing wrong with the room). Because I did not have nearly $500 in my account, my card was getting declined and my Sister ended up having to pay for the room which was a bummer. Not to mention, rooms were not open for check-in until 3pm. As a suiter, this makes it really hard since I have several cases of luggage that they are expecting me to leave in my car (and let me just say that Indianapolis is not the safest city- I used to live there and I’m speaking from experience) until that time, and, that makes suiting nearly impossible until later in the evening because of this. I also feel like the staff at the hotel was not super great at explaining their process, they just gave a lot of blank stares when asked basic questions and even their systems did not seem to be working properly because they couldn’t even print out receipts. So, while not knowing about the money taking out was totally on me, just…not being prepared for a massive group to come in and not having systems for even a simple reciept was a little annoying. I suppose in the future I could just come a day early for the convention but…that’s super expensive and I’m not sure I have the money for that.

They even gave my room to someone else after we had already checked in? My sister and I were rleaxing and unpacking our things when a random man just unlocked our door and walked into our room. We just stood there confused for a moment when the guy said he would go downstairs to fix the issue. My sister and I offered to watch his things while he worked on this problem…and then his friends showed up too! They didnt want to come in the room so we now had one guy down at the desk, another guy that went after the first guy, and this random girl outside our door watching everyone’s luggage minus the one bag we chose to watch for the guy. He did get his room fixed and he was a long way down the hall from us. But, that whole moment just made me think…

What if I had been changing? What if we had been sleeping or just crawling into bed? It really made us paranoid for the rest of the night every time we heard someone pass by our door.

  • The Panels/Events:

The theme for iFC 2022 was “Furries on Broadway”, and so, a few of the panels and events revolved around this theme. There was an event called: “The Phantom of the Community Theater” and there was even a showtunes sing-along panel. A lot of panels just had to do with music in general but, like many Furry Conventions, there was an event or panel for just about everyone. The convention had video-games, tabletop gaming, they played “Artemis” which I have never done before (maybe next year), there was the Dealer’s Den and the Artist Alley, and even an escape room. There were a ton of comedy panels from stand-up mic shows to “Whose Lion is it Anyways?” which was absolutely amazing to attend. Then there were panels which had no real theme to them and just ended up being utter chaos (ie; Monkey Knife Fights). There were dances every night and they even had a DJ booth set up out in the courtyard for some partying. The courtyard itself had yard-Yahtzee and corn hole.

The organizers for these events were all VERY passionate about what they were doing…of that I have no doubt. But, for all the events that I attended with my sister…there were many that came off as a bit unorganized, some were downright boring, and my biggest issue was that there were a ton of good events that overlapped a lot of other events making it impossible to attend a lot of what you wanted to go to!

For example, Floor Wars was happening at the same time as the Phantom of the Community Theater…and that bled into another event for Furry Mingling which I really wanted to attend. I finished Floor Wars and ran to the Mingle only to catch the last 30-minutes of it which didn’t really give me a lot of time to do anything. Also, the Mingle…for as good idea as it was, it was poorly executed. Covid has obviously changed our culture, and it is always better to be safe than to be sorry…but, when you have 20 people (or more) sitting side-by-side, talking full-force at each other in hopes of building a connection, but we have to talk through masks? That’s horrid. My throat hurt so much from having to yell over so many other people. Most of the conversations I ended up having was me leaning into the person I was speaking to and yelling: “What?!” “Huh?!” “I’m sorry, what did you say?!” – and that was a vast majority of what we managed to cover. Don’t get me wrong, I still managed to talk about some subjects, but barely. Then, when everyone got up to exchange contact info, because I only made it on the butt-end of the event, no one even came up to get any of my contact info which really was a bit sad.

Likewise, there were a few events that did not really do what was advertised on the website description? I chose a panel based on War Reenactment. I like history and my family are all history buffs…so this was something I was super interested in. I walk into the panel room, see some of the war equipment, and I was fully expecting some sort of demonstration, only to be sitting there listening to someone talk about their reenactment stories and what it means to them. Now, is that a bad thing? No. But this speaker ended up running out of things to talk about…and it’s clear that this event could be so much more elevated. If you brought props, show how they are used! Pass around some items for the people to touch, to see, to tinker with a bit. Make it more interactive, make it more fun, and maybe even dress the part! I just feel like the event was at a 20 and could have easily been elevated to a 75 with minimal effort. Same with the campfire songs. I liked the event, but, I saw where it could have been so much better. There were so few attendees, chairs could have been arranged in a circle around the campfire to really give it a “camp” feel. There were three organizers all singing songs, but they all sang songs that the other organizers did not really know. I feel like the organizers would do well to learn the songs together, and they could have added things like music tracks, a screen where lyric videos could be posted for the audience, and, if any of them knew how to play the guitar, they could get in on that action as well! Again, it’s an event that was a 20 but could have been made into a 100 with very minimal effort. But of course, these are all volunteers and so, I know they don’t have all the time in the world for these things…but, these are ways they could improve for next year if they want to do similar events again.

But all the comedy panels were pure gold and I love the audience participation. I hope to catch even more of these panels and shows in 2023.

  • Con Staff:

The convention staff were all super friendly…and the extra volunteers were really nice as well. I did not run into a single staff member that wasn’t very nice and willing to help in any way they could. Security was very vigilant in making sure that everyone was staying safe (and that included wearing their mask). And, even when there were blatant rule-breakers causing issues (which I saw a few), the Staff was very nice and professional in handling this issue. So, I give a thumbs-up to the con Staff and I know that I thanked quite a few of them for all their hard work and efforts to make iFC great!

  • The Cons of the Con:

As I mentioned before, there were a few things that did not thrill me when it came to iFC. The overlapping of several of the panels was one such issue that was hard to overlook. also just the array of what was available. There were so many panels for some niche hobbies…but I still found nearly a whole day where I was waiting for some event that I was actually interested in. But, my biggest issue with the convention was the lack of a Fursuit Parade. Fursuit Parades are ICONIC at conventions and damn-near a staple of them. Fursuiters gather around and get their picture taken and then parade around the convention space so you can see all the fursuits all at once. This is always great for YouTubers to grab video and great for fursuit lovers to grab some pictures of their favorite suits. It’s also just a wonderful time for fursuiters! I know that when I asked the help desk about the parade, I was told that I was not the only person asking about it…and that they did not really have a reason as to why there was not one happening this particular year. and while it may seem silly, the lack of a parade just made the convention feel a little empty as the parade is practically a tradition.

The other con to the convention was during the dance competition. Seating made it impossible to see. And yes, I am aware that getting there early is impairative (but again, we go back to overlapping panels), but I think it’s really bad when behind me, I hear people talking about leaving because they can barely see the tops of the dancers ears. The seating was so terrible and, even though this particular room has two massive screens on either side of the stage, not a single one of them was utilized for streaming or showing the dance competition. If they had only done this, this would have made the xperience a billion times better. And my last gripe about the dance competition isn’t about the organizers…its about the people attending.

When people saw that the seating was pretty trash (myself included), many people then moved to stand against the wall so they could at least see something. This was fine as we all were very courteous with each other (ie; we stood flat against the wall and didnt angle out). But, there wa s agirl and her friend who not only decided to bring a bunch of their luggage and crap into the dance competition (NEVER do this), they then placed all their stuff by an outlet and speaker (again, do not do this…security might have forced us all to sit down had they seen this obvious fire hazard and risk to the equipment) in front of me…and then one of the girl angled herself out to where neither me nor my sister could see. Her friend noticed this and tried to get the girl to move against the wall, but the girl snapped at her friend causing some rather awkward drama. Just please…read the room, see what others are doing, be considerate of others.

The only other con to this convention is again, a personal one. This is my first year going to a convention in my home state where I really do not have a group of friends to share this…hobby with. Therefore, much as I had a great time with my sister, it did make me miss the days with Captain, Patch, and the other friends we made in the fandom. I think that next year, I want to try and not be such a wallflower…really insert myself into some groups and make some friends so I just don’t feel so left out and lonely for the next year.

In conclusion, it wasn’t a bad convention. It actually reminded me a lot of Alamo City Furry Invasion when it first ran. It’s a smaller convention, clearly…and it was a little unorganized. There was a jumbled schedule that seemed to be always changing. There were overlapping events and misprints in the booklets. There were long waits to get to rooms due to there only being one elevator, and, there seemed like there were massive gaps in between some of the larger events. There were events missing that many people missed…but despite all of those things, I still had a blast.

Furries at these sorts of conventions always pass the vibe check. I might not have made any friends…but, the people I did have conversations with were wonderful company and we got in a lot of laughs. I actually did get a few people to exchange Twitter usernames with me so we could game together and even learned about a few Furry apps that I can make use of to find friends for next year. I got to joke with people, take some great pictures with some amazing fursuits, and got to share a lot of my previous con stories. I even learned about a few species I have never heard about before and so, I look forward to sharing those with you all (maybe in the future).

Was it perfect? No…but, it really didn’t have to be. The convention was still a fun and wonderful time and, it’s nice to know that they have so much room to grow because it means I get to experience those moments when they improve in the future. Also, it was just fun see ing the way my sister took it all in…the fandom, the events, just watching people live and party for a weekend without a care in the world.

But, I am so happy to be home now…back in my house, back with my dogs, ready to spend the week relaxing before I have to go back to being an adult.

But, tell me what YOU think?

Have you ever been to iFC? If you went to past conventions, how did iFC 2022 differ from other years? did you have fun at the convention? What is your local Furry convention and how often do you go? What was your favorite Furry convention and your least favorite?

As always, let me know your thoughts and opinion in the comment-section down below. While you’re at it, you can also view my iFC convention video!!! Thank you all for your continued support of this blog and, I will see you fuzzbutts in the next entry!!!

  • iFC 2022 – convention video:
  • iFC Gallery:

Cheshire’s Fursuit Journey (+ Unboxing)

Art by: Blu3Dawn14

A few years ago (3-4 years), I saw that Rune (my fursuit- mainly the head) was falling apart. Fearing that a 2.0 version would not really be possible for quite awhile, it was a relief when at long last an opportunity for another suit came along. My dear friend, Patch at CCSMascots wanted to try a new technique using liquid foam (which had become all the rage in making Fursuit head bases) and, he said that if his friends were willing to pay money towards the materials, then he would be willing to send them one of his new foam bases.

It was at this point that my friend Flamesvoices had started their own fursuit business and wanted some more items for promotional pictures. They made me an offer that I could not refuse. If I got the head base from Patch then, after paying for materials, they would make me a partial. It was winning scenario for everyone. Patch got to try a new technique in order to further improve their existing business, Flamesvoices got a project that they could show off as part of their portfolio, and I would get a new partial suit.

But…things started to get a little complicated from the very beginning…

Due to circumstances that I can no longer remember (it really was a long time ago), the liquid foam bases did not really work out as planned. But, still wanting to keep his word and promises, Patch offered to send one of his classic carved bases instead. I was fine with this arrangement as I was still desperate for a suit, and so, when the foam base was sent over, Flamesvoices got to work.

Because the base was more canid, the plan was to go with my Mecari character named Cheshire. The Mecari are an open species created by Patch, so, it only seemed fitting to bring her to life using his base. Cheshire’s character had also been designed originally by Flamesvoices so again, it just seemed like the perfect match. Cheshire had been designed with certain suit parts already in mind, and it would be Flamesvoices first time integrating solid parts (plastic, resin, etc) on a foam suit…so it was an experiment to say the least.

The parts pinned on and held to the foam just fine…

But when Cheshire moved into the “furring” part of the process, that’s where things began to take some more turns.

Again, this was a long time ago and so, I can’t really remember all the specifics. But at some point, Cheshire’s horns were just not working. They sat too small on the head and interrupted the shape of the ears. It was a complicated mess, and so, Flamesvoices asked me if they could try some minky horns instead to see if maybe those looked any better. I told them to go ahead and try it out, but once it was done, the end result was not really all that desirable (to me).

So, Flamesvoies decided they would try and find a way to make the original horns work. It was at this point that the head was becoming extremely heavy. More foam had been added to give it more shape and to smooth out a lot of the rougher cuts, and the ears were now causing a bit of an issue. At one point there was a problem with the jaw, and, Flamesvoices wanted to use the original teeth for a different project anyways- so fabric teeth ended up being used instead. Again, this method was more of an experiment, and something about the way the foam all came together made the jaw look a bit lopsided when the tongue of the suit was not completely center.

I was given a few other updates like the eyes, how the head was coming along after shaving and etc…and then life happened.

If you read my last entry then you will know that things got a little out of hand in my life. Cheshire as a project was already taking too long because of unforeseen complications and, on top of that, my own life was flipped completely upside down. So, in late 2020, I had to move from Texas back to Indiana. I took Rune with me but, because I did not have a solid place to live, I did not ask for Cheshire just in case I ended up moving a lot more. That same year I moved in with my Father and felt comfortable enough to have Cheshire mailed to me, but alas, she had yet to be completed.

More time passed and I was so busy in my new life that I gave up on Cheshire for the time being. In 2021 I got my own place and then in 2022, I finally had been at my job long enough that I had vacation time. That’s when I signed up for Indy Fur Con and I decided that now more than ever that it was time for Cheshire to come home.

Originally, Cheshire was supposed to be a partial but…that plan was never truly realized. Life and other things happened (obviously) so while I do finally have Cheshire in my possession, I was only given the completed head and I have a tail that was made for her by CCSMascots. I had some badges made for Cheshire as well. One was made by Patch and the other from an artist I commissioned at my first-ever Furry Convention. Alas, divorce can be such a messy thing and there were a lot of items I lost in the move that I might never find again.

But, I have Cheshire now and she is lovely. I was also given a lot of other small goodies which really made me feel good~ so it was a wonderful end to my day when all of that got delivered. I even made an unboxing video so, if you want to see me put on Cheshire and go over what it’s like to wear her, you can check out my video for that HERE.

Anyways, that’s all I got for this one. Next blog will probably be my overall thoughts and review of my experience at Indy Fur Con 2022 – so, I will see you then!!!

Exploring 2D animation in the Furry Fandom


Animation by Jib_Kodi Character belongs to Todd the Red Fennec

Art has always been one of the biggest staples of the Furry Fandom outside the love of anthropomorphic animals itself, and it seems shocking to me that one of the least-spoken of mediums is animation. In the Furry Fandom, animation has a very special place, especially when you look at 2D animation.

A Brief History

The history of 2D animation dates all the way back to 1824 – originally using motion (the spinning of a wheel or twisting of a rope) and still images to create the illusion of movement. It was only in 1908 that 2D animation was revolutionized when Emile Cohl created the first 2D animation known as “Fantasmagorie” by using over 700 black-and-white drawings of a stick figure. This animation, though using hundreds of images, was only 70 seconds in length. Either way, this was the first animated cartoon. So, how does this relate to Furries?

After Emile Cohl paved the way for 2D animation, other artists followed suit. Walt Disney created “Steamboat Willie” in 1928 which introduced the world to Mickey Mouse, and from there, 2D animation only grew in popularity. Walt Disney, Hannah-Barbara, Warner Brothers, etc. So many notable characters have come from 2D animations, and a lot of people have found the Furry Fandom through their love of these 2D characters. Bugs Bunny, Simba, Balto, Roger Rabbit, Bambi – do these sound familiar to you? How about these films & cartoons: “Fox and the Hound”, “All Dogs go to Heaven”, “101 Dalmations”,  “Lady and the Tramp”, “Aristocats”, “Secret of Nymh”, “Pokemon”, “Digimon” -Do any of those ring a bell?

Cartoons, movies, anime, and even some video-games have all been produced using 2D animation…and through the love of certain characters, people have found their Fursona and the Furry Fandom in general.
(Source: The History of 2D Animation)

Furry Animators

There are a lot of animators in the fandom, and each one has their own unique way of animating and style. Nowadays, a lot of animation is done using computer-generated images, but there are still those that delve into traditional animation as well. While I am sure there are some names that might pop up more often than others within the fandom, rather than talk about the most popular animators, I have decided to pick out my favorites to share their animations with you.


  • Jib_Kodi:

Jib_Kodi (also called Jibbin_Kodiyak) is one of the more well-known animators in the community – known for his unique style as well as his character/fursuit. Their involvement in the fandom begins in 2017…but, if you want to read more about them in-depth, I would suggest checking out their interview with DogPatch Press.

What I love about their style in particular is the “sketchy” nature of it. The wiggling lines and the way everything sort of jiggles as the animation is playing. It’s more rough compared to other 2D animation, but I love it for this reason. Generally, Kodi’s style is full of bright colors and they often tell stories pertaining to their feelings or their real life. Their animations involve road trips and visits to cons, other people finding out they are a furry, or other shenanigans involving their home life and/or friends. It’s very down-to-earth, and though exaggerated in their animations, it is often very relatable in some way.

One of my favorite animations that they did was something I found on Google years ago (though you can also find it on their FA which I will link), but it is still something that gives me a good chuckle:


“Damn Deers” by Jib_Kodi

If you want to check out Jib’s work for yourself, you can find their animations via their Furaffinity / Twitter / and Instagram.


  • Cerberus:

Cerberus is someone that I discovered more recently while browsing through FA. I originally noticed them because of their unique art style, but, as I went deeper into their gallery, I noticed that they also dabbled in 2D animation. What I really like about their style is how it can be both simplistic and complicated at the same time. How they break down something into its most basic shapes but when it all comes together, they use this method to create such fluid movements. Their animations are also interactive as far as getting them to play, and I have always enjoyed this newgrounds-feeling flash animation.

My favorite pieces of animation when it comes to Cerberus would have to be: “Rescuing Ghosts” and I love it for a few reasons. The first is what I mentioned up above…it’s the style in which Cerberus uses simplicity to break things down into their most basic shapes, and yet, putting it all together creates some of the most fluid movement I have ever seen in a 2D animation. The next reason would have to be the story. I wont spoil anything since it really is an animation you would have to experience for yourself. Lastly, I love it because it involves others in the Furry Fandom. Swiftcutter helped in creating the characters and Foxamoore provided the music. I think it’s great how this is a collaborative piece and I’m sure anyone can agree that the finished result is breathtaking.

I also really liked their piece “Rockoons TV” partly due to the fact that I loved the song they chose…but also because of the setting and how everything plays out. Again, not going to spoil anything here, but the narrative is really spectacular and I suggest checking it out.

But if you want to check out Cerberus’ material for yourself, you can find them via their FA Page.


  • Bolgy Wolgy:

While this is NOT an animator but rather a very popular meme (albeit cringy) within the fandom, I have to say that it is worth mentioning because it has produced some pretty infamous 2D animations. The original rap was made by senzawa on YouTube who used a bad copypasta for the lyrics. Since it was making fun of Furries, the Furry Fandom quickly picked it up and made it into their own.

The original meme animation is credited to candiewrapper:

But one of the more commonly-known animations for this piece belongs to Seelmaru:

Both are excellent 2D animators doing original animations as well as music videos, so they are worth checking out.


In conclusion, just like any other art form out there, animation is a huge part of the fandom and who we are…because of the popular cartoons and movies, a lot of us found our way into the fandom, and some of these things even inspired our Fursonas. Animation continues to be a huge part of the fandom today but it does seem to often be shadowed by the success of things like digital commissions and fursuits. Still, I think we should tip our hats to all the amazing animators out there and really let them know how much we appreciate them (as we should do to all the artists and creators out there that continue to make this community bright and magical).

Who are your favorite animators? What draws you to them or to their style? Let me know in the comment-section down below. Are you an animator? Feel free to link yourself in the comment-section as well so that others can check out your material. 

Wanna know more about 3D animation? Check out Fuzzball’s Story Time article on 3D art and how it embodies the Furry Fandom!

That’s all I have for this one, so thank you all for reading and your continued support of this blog. I will see you all in the next article! 😉

“SonicFox” just won a gaming award!


As a passionate gamer, I found myself watching the game awards on Mixer when the nominations for “Best Esports Player” came up. Sure enough, a fellow Furry ended up taking the trophy…now called “the Lebron James of sitting” by the announcer.

Dominique McLean also known in the Furry and gaming communities as “SonicFox” has been in the spotlight several times. As a gamer he is a 4-time EVO champion from 2014-2018 in games such as Injustice, Mortal Kombat, and Dragon Ball FighterZ. In the Furry community, he is the gamer that plays in his fursuit. At least, that’s how I know of him.

But it’s an exciting day in the Furry Fandom when we have someone that can represent us in such a public light. Millions upon millions are tuned into Mixer as it streams the gaming awards LIVE, and that’s not including the hundreds that are there in attendance. It was a proud moment for furries, and a proud moment for SonicFox as he could hardly get words out between his nervous laughter.

Still taking the stage in his fursuit, he thanked the Furry Community, his gaming team, his mentors, and noted how it was never about winning for him…it was always about enjoying the games. He also mentioned how his intentions of winning were always to help others in need including a close-friend whose Father was suffering from Cancer.

He also thanked his LGBTQ+ friends in being part of that spectrum as well.


But one thing I didn’t like in his speech?

The politics…

Jokes are common during awards as everyone is there to have a good time and bond over the thing they enjoy (in this case, it is games). However, not all gamers are the same. Black, white, brown…gay, straight, trans, cis, we all comes in different shapes and sizes.

So while I can applaud our fellow Furry for his accomplishments and the recognition he has brought us in being “unafraid” and unashamed in being himself (especially on stage)- I can’t exactly applaud his need to express being gay, Furry, and black…with the need to say afterwards that he is “everything Republicans hate”.

Hopefully this can be chalked up to his nervousness…but it didn’t really garner a huge reaction, and I’m waiting for the headlines to pop up talking about this unnecessary remark in his speech as it was really in poor taste. It was a cringy moment for sure, and his words do not define all Furries and their views…yet as a fursuiter and now an award-winner…his voice will be plastered upon the vast majority of us until this moment is forgotten.

This is why we must remember that even though we do not reflect all Furries, often we are chalked up to being one-and-the-same in how we think and how we act. This especially becomes apparent when you read about Furries in the media, and how it classifies us all in one way even when we are very unique. So the people who are most-often heard such as the popufurs, the Furrytubers, and now the award-winners…they really have to be careful in what they do and/or say, because it can come back on the fandom for better or for worse.

Still…congrats to SonicFox- and thank you for never hiding who you are and what you love!

Sunny and Moony [Thoughts]


Sunny & Moony art by: blue1kitty1cat1

What can I say other than: “I am a sucker for a good story”. I love reading, and fantasy has always been one of my favorite genres. But strangely enough, I have not read a lot of Furry-works, and so I was super excited when blue1kitty1cat1 reached out to me and asked if I might check out their new story called “Sunny and Moony”.

They were nice enough to send me both the trailer and the first chapter, both of which was posted via their YouTube Channel.

I will admit, reading stories on YouTube is something new to me. I tried writing stories on YouTube once, but never took time to try and read stuff that others had created. For me, it can be hard if the slides are too long or if there is too much going on in the background. But in the case of “Sunny and Moony”, there was a lot that was done right.

  • The Trailer:

Already the Trailer has drawn me in with those cute characters…and it’s good to have something that gives off a visual. I think that without having seen the trailer, I might not have had the same ideas or images in my head had I just read chapter one alone.
I like that the trailer is short and it isn’t very complicated. It shows character sketches and concept art which shows that this is something that took time, effort, and that there was care involved. I also liked the music. But can I just say that both these characters are just too adorable? They are frickin’ precious and I love it! But the trailer was a good way to advertise something new, and it had me curious enough that I was eager to give Chapter One a solid read…


  • Chapter One:

First, let me get my nit-picks out of the way. The trailer showed a cute image and really made you curious about what the story might be like once you jumped into it. And while the video for chapter one does have a title card at the beginning to show you the characters…when just looking at this thumbnail and seeing words rather than an image of the characters drawing you in, most people would just keep scrolling…

…but that’s just me seeing this from a “viewer” perspective and knowing (as a YouTube creator) that thumbnails are important!!!

But with that out of the way- here are my thoughts on the actual story.

In summary, the story is told from Moony’s perspective as she looks back on a fateful encounter she had a few days prior with a rabbit from the Sun Kingdom. Obviously there is some strife between her kind (the Moon Kingdom) and the Sun Kingdom because Moony has always learned that they are vicious warriors- she has heard of their dangerous nature from her teacher: Lunette. This gives me the vibe that the two factions were once at war or that there is some dark history there that keeps these two races apart. Meeting the Sun Rabbit fills Moony with dread…she sees it as some dark omen or sees it as a threat to the other citizens of the Moon Kingdom. We know that Moony herself is small and sees herself as inconsequential and weak.

Then there is Sunny…

I was actually surprised to learn that Sunny is a female, and her horns give off the vibe that she is someone of importance. Moony notes that horns and antlers belong to the ancient race of Jackalopes, and the only other person she knows with these antlers/horns is the ruler of the Moon Kingdom (Artemis). But Sunny is not like the Sun Rabbits that Moony has learned about. Her nature is very calm, collective, patient…she is understanding and knowing that Moony is terrified of her, she takes time in showing that she is no threat to the little bunny.

So the characters are well-paced for the most part, and the story lets you ease your way into knowing how they handle situations. They interact very realistically, even if this means that some parts of the story move a little slower than others.

But back to the plot: Sunny has come to the Moon Kingdom because she believes that Moony is in danger. She saw Moony calling out to her from a dream, and she has arrived to protect the little bunny. But Moony does not recall any such dreams involving Sunny, and she becomes concerned. This is where I have to point out that I am glad that Moony is at least realistic. She is very wary of the race she has heard nothing but terrible things about…on top of that, she does not immediately believe the things that Sunny is telling her. Moony eventually flees from Sunny and it brings us back to the present where Moony is washing dishes.

We are then shown that Moony regrets running away, but she does not have time to dwell on it because she blacks out after realizing she has not finished her task from Lunette- and we are left with a cliffhanger until Chapter Two.

Another thing that makes a good story (in my opinion) is if the plot draws you in enough to where you can theorize about it and/or it leaves you with questions. We are left with a cliffhanger…and immediately thoughts were running through my head: “Lunette is not what she seems, maybe she is the one behind the threats to Moony? She obviously lied about Sun rabbits…is this a conspiracy of some kind? What happened between the Sun and Moon Kingdoms? Who is Sunny really? What secret makes Moony so important? What is so special about the Jackalopes?”

Not only does a good story allow you to theorize, but it actually makes you feel things…like joy, suspense, and curiosity. And I had all those feelings while reading. It has me wanting to read on so I can answer the questions left behind…and I really want to know where everything is heading. It’s a good intro to draw people in and get them hooked. There are just some ways in which it could be done a little better.

And while the YouTube format can be a bit rough…I think “Sunny and Moony” has all the makings of what can be a great story, the most important thing it has is POTENTIAL!

If I could give some advice, I would recommend better thumbnails in the future. The author is also an artist, and I see a lot of talent going to waste if there is not a thumbnail to show the story off with. A good thumbnail can do wonders for the viewer counts…so the author should use that to their advantage!

Another thing I might add (and again, this is my opinion) is artwork in between so many slides. Add a break from the reading and really give the person a visual on where they are and what is going on. Atmosphere is something this story can be seriously lacking at time, and a visual on the Kingdom, surroundings, etc can only add to the emotion. I think doing so would keep people interested for longer and add just a little bit more substance to make the story really feel alive.

Lastly, I would make the videos SHORTER.

The story was good…but I can not think of many people who can focus on words for 26-minutes via a YouTube video…especially if it is not being read to them. I am glad there are no voices, but to keep an audience interested, split the chapters into 2-videos per chapter that way you can hold people’s attention for longer. There is no need to cut down on the writing, just make videos 10-12 minutes with words, images, etc…and I think this author has a great formula for success!

On that final note, the music that gives this story its atmosphere is A+ so please keep using it (but credit where you found it of course).

Because I wanted to do this story justice, I asked around to see if some friends could also lend their thoughts for this blog:

  • Other reviews:

“Firstly, I’d love to comment on the trailer: it was well done and definitely looks inviting to those who haven’t heard of or seen anything about the series before. The editing on it is absolutely wonderful. The transition between the introduction and the story is interesting; the descriptive language flows, and the storytelling is unique and interesting. The use of the video format helps give your writing an extra dimension in depth and makes it step forward even more. I especially love the ambiance, sound effects, and musical transition that provides the story with more atmosphere, and would love to continue seeing it as the story progresses. There are some major things done well, and a few that could be done better or focused on; while your writing and music sets the mood, it’s still somewhat difficult to understand your characters’ world and the significance of some things about which they speak. Some of the relationships mentioned between some of the named characters are also not described or given details that might help your audience identify with and grow more attached to your characters.”



“It’s something I think people would like. But, I can also see where it could use some polishing. Some more sentence structure could use some work, and I look forward to the atmosphere flushing out in future uploads. Video is a very different way to upload a story.”

—Larue Fox

But what do YOU think?

Check out the story and let me know what you thought of “Sunny and Moony” in the comment-section down below. Also, if there are other Furry-works you would like me to review, feel free to drop a link for me in the comment-section as well.

Here in the next couple of months I will be at ACFI with my buddy Flamesvoices and my wife…so look forward to more posts after that convention in October.

Thank you all so much for reading and for your continued support. I will see you all in the next one! 😉

Rune’s Official TFF 2018 Con Video!

I want to start doing more on this blog that ties it to my YouTube Channel.
While the blog has its own purpose and such, I feel like bringing these two worlds together might help me remain more active and still do something that I enjoy.

Also, while I have the links to my YouTube listed- lets be honest: it’s much easier for someone to click a video already placed in a blog than if you ask them to go searching for something on their own, right?

But, with that being said…my YouTube is important to me. It inspires me to do bigger and better things and to learn to bring in more “entertainment” factors to my projects (this blog included). I also said that this blog covered everything Furry-related, right? What’s more Furry than a convention video?!?

But enough of the rambling…
I just want to say that for as chaotic and new as TFF 2018 was, I still had an amazing and magical experience. I tried something different and something new. I was striving to enjoy this convention in new ways as to make it something more memorable for myself and for my wife, and I think we succeeded in making a con that we will not forget any time soon. I also made it a point to accomplish more goals that I had made for myself after the previous TFF…this meant making more friends, attending more panels, and being less shy about getting pictures with suiters and etc.

So, hopefully you enjoy the video…I plan on adding more in the future and might just write little stories about Rune and all his adventures. But tell me what you think of the idea and if this is something you would like to see more of in the future?

Thank you all for tuning in…more blogs coming soon! 😉

Why Tide Pods ARE NOT Funny!

Tide Pods

The New Year is upon us…and 2018 marks a time for a fresh start, a new beginning…and yes, NEW MEMES. Memes are the ways in which most people communicate their feelings in this world controlled by social media. They bring people together and are a way to reach out and make new friends.

And while lewd and sometimes flat-out stupid (which is why it is funny), even memes can “go too far”. The Tide Pod obsession is one of these things where it has gone too far and should just die…right here, and right now.

  • The Tide Pod Challenge:
    —-People all over are popping tide pods into their mouth for ‘fun‘ and calling it the tide-pod challenge. It causes choking, vomiting, and could actually lead to death. Where it started, no one is sure…but now this ‘challenge’ has been popping up all over YouTube, and the constant “popularizing” of the tide-pods as a meme has only made this situation worse.
    The chemicals in these pods cause burns…burns the skin in the mouth, the tongue, the throat and every news station has covered its effects and the number of deaths it has caused just this year alone. Yet the fad continues…why?


(Still searching for original artist- currently unknown)
  • Furries encouraging bad behaviour:
    —It may not be our fandom alone (which is popularizing the pods) but we are a part of the problem at least within our own community. While I hate saying it this way, furries are often young and often highly impressionable. More and more furries are in that demographic of teenagers and young adults (like those participating in the tide pod challenge). There is often a need for attention or a want of being popular which is also very rampant within the fandom. So, for something as dangerous as the tide-pod-challenge to be presented as ‘funny’ and ‘cool’…well, it’s only encouraging bad behavior. Even popufurs have taken to making fun of the tide pod things and acting like they are delicious and it’s all for fun.
    Props are being made of giant tide pods…badges even, and YCH of a character eating the “forbidden fruit pod” have been circulating like mad. It’s all a dumb bandwagon that makes people want to take this challenge even more. It makes this behavior seem like it is ‘okay’. While I understand that hopping on popular memes makes for easy money (when it comes to art)…it doesn’t mean that it’s the ‘right’ thing to do. Especially when it means endorsing or encouraging something that can mean severe injury and/or death.


  • Mods are right for banning it:
    —People have been complaining that many Furry groups are banning anything relating to tide-pods. They say that it’s going too far and that mods are being too strict. But, I side with the mods. With the threat that is the tide-pod-challenge, and in acknowledging how impressionable a lot of the fandom is…letting the fad and meme die by not allowing it in groups is actually the smart thing to do. Lessening the exposure is not meant to hurt artists or even deter normal conversation…but it’s more about letting the meme die out so that people will stop hurting themselves and getting dangerously sick because someone started this thing as a gag. Unfortunately most groups still DO allow tide-pod props, art, etc to be sold…but I say good on the ones that realize that this meme is in no way funny, and it needs to disappear.



  • Darwanism:
    —You don’t need me to tell you that anyone that pops one of these into their mouth is an absolute idiot. Unless they are an infant, you know these things are toxic…and honestly, it really is just Darwanism at this point. These are poison! You will get sick, you could die! Yet you willingly bite into one for a few seconds of internet fame. I can only hope you never procreate if you thought that it was a good idea…
    Not only are you risking burns to the inside of your mouth…you are risking burns to your airways and everything else- if you don’t suffocate and die first.

Like the fire challenge…this stuff is not a joke. It does not make anyone look cool, or funny. It does not make you famous…it’s dangerous, and people might mimic YOUR specific behavior and die as a result. That rests with those that keep spreading this stupid meme…that people die because this sort of thing is continuously encouraged.

As if 2017 was not toxic enough…2018 is not restoring my faith in humanity at all (as of right now). So to those making the tide props, selling the tide-pod fursonas, to those making tide-pod suits…just stop. YOU are part of the problem…and I only hope you figure this out so you can stop fanning the flames of something that has overstayed its welcome.




Maskimals…if you are in the Furry Fandom, you have already seen a lot of uproar over these things. Whether you love them or you absolutely hate them, they still exist.

They are a Walmart-brand of animal masks that may-or-may-not be marketed for and to the Furry Fandom…and they are one of the newest things that the fandom has been fighting and arguing over. Are they good or bad? Should they be used for fursuits? Does this hurt fursuit makers? Is this a good way to get our fandom out there and have it normalized? All of these have been topics of discussion.

So, trying to put my personal opinion aside (as best that I can), I decided to explore some of these questions and put in an ‘more-mature’ 2-cents…


  • Should Maskimals be used as Fursuits?

—Whether I say yes or no, they will still be used, so, the question is a bit irrelevant. Conventions will still be flooded with these masks and will still become cluttered with people claiming them as their Fursona, same as what happened with the Mr.Fox mask.
But, in all honesty, the answer is “yes”. Yes they CAN be used as Fursuits…but should they be? Well, it’s all a matter of opinion.

I believe that for people that have never fursuited before (but that might be interested in doing so), this might be a good starting point. The materials are cheap, but, I hear the vision is good, and it breathes well enough. It won’t give you the real-feel on what it is truly like to wear a fursuit but, if you can’t handle wearing these masks all day…then perhaps fursuiting is not for you. I would rather someone pay $20 and decide they don’t like it rather than pay $500+ on a suit and then realize the same thing.

Also, for younger fursuiters that can not afford a suit (and have yet to finish growing), these heads could be a really good starting point for them. I see so many kids at conventions wearing Fursuits that they will outgrow in a few years. That’s a lot of time and materials that cost a lot of money…
Some kids wanna suit but are not allowed to try and make their own. So, this allows them to get in on the fun…even if I do think these things look horrible.

For those people (like me) that think these things are ugly, well, I have actually seen a few people online doing a complete re-haul on these heads. They were able to add new ears, new eyes…they were able to add more designs, and etc. You can barely tell that they were a Maskimal, and they can actually look pretty cool. Again, the materials may not be the greatest…and even with someone redoing the head, because of the way it was manufactured it will always be just so-so in quality, but, they can end up looking really cool and could be a really great starting point for younger Fursuit Makers.


  • Do they hurt the Fursuit Makers (business)?

—One of the more major complaints on the Maskimals (outside of how they look) is that people fear this will hurt a Fursuit-Makers business. They feel like finding a cheap substitute for an animal costume will make the fandom move away from the custom-suits…thus, artists and makers will suffer. Is this true? I personally do not think so.

In fact, I actually think these Maskimals will do the opposite. I feel like they might actually increase the number of fursuiters, thus bringing a boost in business. Not only that, but I feel like these Maskimals might actually increase the number of potential Fursuit Makers out there as people develop an interest in customizing their characters, and making something more unique. I have never seen other cheap-animal masks conquering the fursuit-market before…so I doubt it would happen now.

Why do I think this? Let me put this into a scenario for you to better understand…

Telephone, Majira Strawberry, Tayerr, Beauty of the Bass, Pocari Roo…
If you are in the Furry Fandom, chances are you know these fursuiters (some or all of them) and/or you have seen them on YouTube. They are part of a group known as the ‘Popufurs’…meaning they are really popular and adored, pretty much ‘revered’ in the fandom with a massive fan-base. While the people themselves are loved, most of their popularity has come from their Fursuits and the characters they portray.
Whether or not, people want to admit it…a good chunk of the fandom only wants a fursuit for the recognition it brings them in the fandom. They get noticed more, they get more likes, they get more messages…fursuiters get more of the spotlight. This is nothing new. So, when you take a bunch of people wanting to be the next Telephone or the next Pocari on YouTube, and then you place them in a Maskimal…they will realize, that they are not getting the attention they want or crave. After that, it’s just a cycle of events.
That person will want to make a custom character and stand out…they might mod their Maskimal, or, they might even start saving the money to buy a pre-made suit. If they mod their Maskimal, that might make them become interested in fursuit-making, and thus start them down the path to doing fursuit commissions and bettering themselves and perfecting their craft.
As these people make their own custom character, get more attention, and etc…they will want the better suits, they will want a partial, then maybe a fullsuit. They will want more views on their YouTube or more likes on their Twitter. It will become like an addiction, and business can only flourish from this.
They will need refs if they want someone else to build a suit for them, they will want art of the character and badges for conventions. They will want everything that comes with being a Furry and that means more money going into the community and more artists getting recognized and funded.

This (of course) is a more extreme case. And it was merely an example…but, if you have been in the fandom as long as I have, and if you have seen the younger furries coming into the fandom and what they desire and why, then you know that what I am saying is true…

Yes, you may roll your eyes and groan. I understand your feelings completely, but, you have to understand that we all start somewhere…and it’s up to us to set the example and really help them understand the fandom, and do the thing our fandom is known for: being open and accepting.


  • A good way to normalize the fandom?

—I have seen many debates on whether or not these Maskimals were marketed towards the Furry Fandom. My personal opinion is that it’s a mixture. Walmart makes a lot of money, and they are not stupid as to what consumers want. When Fursuit-making became a larger-thing in the community, suddenly Walmart decided to sell faux-fur in their sewing sections.

As the Furry Fandom continued to grow and gain more attention in the media, suddenly the Maskimals appear. Not to say that they are strictly marketed towards furries, but, the fandom is still a huge demographic for them outside of children and perhaps some very-drunk, very-crazy college kids X’D

But, is this a good way to normalize the fandom? To get people used to seeing other people walk around in huge, foam, animal heads? I personally would NOT like to be represented this way. Furries have…evolved. Looking back on old conventions in the 80’s and 90’s is terrifying…and thank goodness styles have evolved and changed. Even people outside of the fandom have a particular taste, and, they know what looks cute, and what looks absolutely cringy.

So, while it might be a way of normalizing the fandom… I would not want it to become normalized via cheap heads sold at Walmart. I would rather the fandom be normalized because people see the amazing conventions that are hosted, and the charities that these conventions help. I want it to become normalized because furries are visiting children’s hospitals and other places where people are sick, or injured…and because furries really brighten up the day.

I want it to become normalized via accurate representation on the news and on TV shows…but, if these Maskimals help, then, so be it…it’s just not my personal preference.

  • Conclusion:

—Unfortunately, what a lot of people get when they post about Maskimals is a bunch of hate from the fandom. People talking about how they are not fursuits, how they are ugly, how they are cheaply made, and etc. I was one of those people that said they look pretty terrible…but I at least tried to say it in a way that was not harsh.

But some of the people posting against the Maskimals can be downright mean, and it does show the uglier side of the fandom. Since the fursuiting portion of the fandom is only about 20%, it does show that we have developed a standard for fursuiting…but we fail to realize that in trying to uphold a standard and being brutally (and cruelly) honest with our opinions and feelings on these things, we have been discouraging a lot of the younger members of the fandom, and really making the furry fandom a less inviting and accepting place than we claim to be.

I think the YouTuber called “Hugh” the German Shepherd said it best when they said that by doing this to people without the money for a suit, and without the means to make their own, we are discouraging someone that could be the next big Fursuit Maker…
We are discouraging possible talent, someone that could possibly contribute greatly to the fandom.

We are (in a sense) really ruining our image…and these Maskimals will bring a new flux of people in that will come in wanting to make friends and make art, only to be shunned, bashed, and ridiculed because people thing a Maskimal only looks good when it is on fire >.>;;;

Yes, everyone has a right to their own opinion…but it is in how you execute that right that separates the good person from the internet bully. So, even if you don’t like the Maskimals, try and give the pros and cons in an educated and mature manner. When confronted with a post about them where you know you can not be nice in any way…hide the post, or be an adult and just IGNORE it unless you have something “constructive” to contribute.

I have posted some furry videos down below discussing the Maskimals that cover the good and bad of it all, and I highly suggest you check those out.

But, as always, you can drop me your opinion in the comment-section down below and let me know what YOU think about these things. As always, thank you all so much for reading and your continued support…I will see you all in the next blog 😉

  • Videos:

^^This one was my favorite video. Very straight-to-the point without a lot of ranting going on. I say this is the best for a positive opinion.

^^Obviously a younger fur that makes their point via a rant. Def more aggressive but still makes a point. The only thing that makes you a Furry is the love of anthro animals. So, whether you have a top-notch fursuit or a Maskimal…you are still valid in the fandom. Do I believe you should call it your Fursona? Well…no. I think fursona’s should be unique in a way, but, if you wanna say that’s your Fursona, I would never stop you. They make a very good point in that you can not copyright nature.

^^ A more popular furry in the fandom with a professional fursuit that does not like Maskimals for obvious reasons. Has a more negative opinion on them, and actually supports making fun of them. Has some good points as to why they are NOT fursuits but, overall talks about saving for a professionally-made fursuit and etc. Advises people not to buy them (unless it’s as a joke), but acknowledges he can not stop someone from buying them. Acknowledges that people that buy these will probably be made fun of in the fandom. I only posted this to show what the regular-hate for these things looks like.

Lets talk about TFF (still relevant?)


I originally started this blog back in April (if you can believe it). I had the whole first part typed out since I had been taking my sweet time in getting anything done. It read:

Hello everyone! I am finally back from TFF (Texas Furry Fiesta in Dallas)- I actually made it back yesterday but my sleeping schedule and just coming back to reality, well, it has me a little down in the dumps so, it has been taking me a good minute to make any sort of progress when writing and/or making videos.

I was determined to get the blog post done while the con was still relevant and fresh in my mind. But every time I went to write the blog down, it got halted. Maybe it was because it seemed so “overwhelming” to me at the time, or, maybe it was still the post-con depression that was keeping me away…
Either way, here I am again at my desk, trying to put the convention into words while it may still seem interesting and might still be relevant, somewhere.


Texas Furry Fiesta…it was my first furry convention ever, and I must say that it was nothing short of amazing. I HAD A BLAST! There was so much there that was new to me. I went and suited in Rune with my buddy Captain, got to meet some really awesome fursuiters, and got to check out some really nifty events and panels while I was there as well.
I saw some people I had featured in the blog before, got tons of hugs, and I even bought a few things here and there to commemorate the trip…so all-in-all it was an amazing first experience. My furry con cherry has now been officially popped…but goodness did the whole event seem to go by too fast!!!

I know I was there, but everything great and magical all seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. I never wanted it to end because I was having such a good time! I believe this is where “post-con depression” comes from…

But anyways, because the con was so massive and because there were so many different parts to it that it would take much to long to explain…I managed to break down everything I liked about the con and such into some questions that I think people might be wondering about the trip, about my time there, and etc. So, lets go ahead and get that all underway:


  • Was the convention as magical as it looks on YouTube?

—The answer to this is a bit of a yes-and-no situation. YouTube videos of the convention are amazing. They really make you feel emotional with all the powerful music and all the fun people are having. Trust me when I say that those aspects of the con exist! But, only if you put yourself into them. How would it be best to explain? The convention is what you make it. So, if you spend all your time wandering around and avoiding people, then no, the convention will not really seem that magical. But, if you ask for pics, interact with suiters, go into panels that are fun and funny, and you really make an effort to get out and do something awesome, then the convention will be fantastic! And even without the music…if you make it great, the convention will be just as magical as it was on YouTube. So, did I find the convention to be magical? For the most part, yes. It was pretty awesome!



Rune, Tato, and PBJ

  • Did people recognize you?

—It was actually pretty surprising to me, but, there were actually people at the convention that recognized Rune! Now, granted, most people recognized him because of my YouTube Channel…but there were a few people like Spade and Tato that recognized Rune because I had interviewed them for Female Fursuiter Month! So, it was actually pretty cool when I would hear my character’s name and then someone was waving at me! There was also a fan of Rune that said they saw me, but, they were too shy to approach me. Which, it kind of made me giggle. If at any point you see me at a convention, do not be scared to say hello to me! I am just as shy as you but I promise that I will not bite! If you ask for a hug or a picture, I promise you that you are seriously making my day!



Captain and Rune – official TFF pic

  • How was fursuiting?

—Fursuiting was a mixture of the best thing ever and also the most challenging thing I have never done. I realized that it’s one thing to get into costume/suit for a Youtube video, but then it’s an entirely different thing to suit up at a convention and then get stopped every 5 minutes while you wander about blindly. Do not get me wrong, I loved every moment that I was in suit. I loved it when people would ask for my picture or would want a high-five. I loved all the hugs that I got and loved hearing people tell their friends how cute my costume was. I was stopped (along with Captain) by the same people over the course of 3-days because they loved our suits so much, and I got to also be Rune during an improv panel which was great fun as well! Even the fursuit parade was amazing! But, it wasn’t without its challenges. I have NEVER felt more drained in my life then after a whole day suiting! I understand now when fursuiters online stress on the cooling periods and in taking time to hydrate. Headless lounges are a god-send as I spent most the day sweating. It was so great just to cool down and drink some water away from the rest of the convention! But heat was not the only issue…
People would step on my tail, it was hard to get through certain areas with my feet on – I sneezed out my squeaker at one point, and Rune would get super ruffled. Luckily I did not need any emergency repairs or anything like that…but, while Fursuiting is amazing fun, it also takes a lot of practice, and lot of patience, and a lot of care in self and suit alike.


Rune and Drummer

  • Favorite con moments?

—It’s so hard just to narrow done the convention to just a few moments. Even when I tried, I ended up with 5 things that were just…so amazing. Unforgettable moments really. But there are several more than just these! So, first amazing moment was getting to meet Adam King (the owner of Xytras and Drummer) – not only do I adore Drummer’s suit and wanted a pic, I see Adam as a icon for the Furry Fandom. His philosophy, his wisdom, just everything he gives back to the community makes him someone to look up to! Though I have not even been to his meets in San Antonio, he has taken so many furries under his wing and provided a place for them to meet up and have fun, and now he is hosting his own convention this year in which I want to attend! So that’s just part of the reason why getting to meet him and take pics with both his suits counts as one of my fave moments at the convention!


Rune and Blueberry

Another favorite moment was getting to meet Blueberry the Dutch Angel Dragon! She was so tiny and cute!!! I have never seen such a young Fursuiter, and she was so much fun and just seemed so sweet! She later found my YouTube Channel which was awesome!


TFF Fursuiters get ready for the Parade!

The Fursuit Parade was another one of my favorite moments. I have never been in a parade before, and this one really makes you feel like a celebrity! There were so many amazing fursuits, and, the minute you leave the lobby to start the parade there are people clapping and cheering! It’s not as lively as portrayed on YouTube though. After awhile the parade gets pretty quiet and all the fursuiters start to get tired thus the line moves a lot slower. Still, I got to give a lot of high-fives and squeak at a lot of people. It was great!


The Fursuit Games!

The Fursuit games was another interesting memory. I just remember asking Captain: “Will it be hard?” since fursuits tend to get very hot. She said: “No, it won’t be anything crazy! They keep it simple because they know people get tired!” so I believed her and we decided to give the games a go. NO…just…NO! The fursuit games were insane!!! I was linking legs with Circuit while trying to do a crab-walk in a forward line…and then I ended up doing my crab-walk with one hand because Circuit has a 6ft tail that I kept sitting on! And that was just the first game!!!!
But, even though it was crazy, the other games were a lot of fun. Rune got tapped my the “scorpion” in one of the games, and I got to do a very dramatic dying scene which made people giggle. So it was actually really fun and I am glad I was a part of that.


Little girl says hi to Rune and Captain

The last ‘best’ memory from the con is a section I like to call: “Hi Pokemon”.
So, Captain and I were leaving the headless lounge when suddenly we heard someone say: “You wanna go say hi to them?”
Next thing I know, this little Asian girl is coming up to us. She could not have been older than 2-3 years old and she says: “Hi Pokemon!” she just kept saying high and giving us high-fives! She was so cute it melted my heart! She was just too adorable! Captain and I may not be Pokemon…but for that little girl, we would be Pokemon forever!!!



I got a pic with Saiya the Sergal!

  • Post-con depression:

—After the convention, there is the rumor of people getting “post-con depression”, where the sadness of leaving the con just has you in a slump. I kinda thought it was all just people being silly, and of course they would miss their friends making them sad and such…but having been to TFF and then left, I am here to say that post-con-depression is real!!!

I had not even left the son but a few hours prior, and I was on a bus back to Austin when I just started feeling terrible! I think it’s because (as mentioned before), the son just goes by way too fast! Everything happens in the blink of an eye…all those panels, the dance competition, the shopping, and all the photos. All of it feels like it happened in a matter of hours rather than days. That, and, you start thinking of the things you missed, the people you may not have seen, and you start thinking of the things you learned and what could have happened differently (at least I did this).

I also think that suiting for so long and being so tired, malnourished, and dehydrated plays a part in this as well but, I was suffering from this down-feeling for a good week-and-a-half before I started feeling better.



Captain (left), Telephone (middle), and Rune (right) – and a random Elk!

  • Advice for newbie con-goers:

—Listen to people that have been to conventions before! They know what they are doing (most of the time)! But from my personal experience, here are some basic tips for the newbie con-goers out there:

  1. Map out the venue ahead of time and try and figure out where everything is.
  2. Plan out some panels! Conventions are fun by themselves but you will have large pockets of boredom if you don’t find something to fill your time!
  3. Do not stay by yourself or avoid people! Conventions are a social event! You won’t have any fun if you just wander around and keep to yourself! So meet people, start a conversation, try and make some friends!
  4. Do yourself a favor and go watch the dance competition! It’s amazing!
  5. If you’re going in a fursuit, make sure you have a RELIABLE handler!
  6. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated whether you are in a suit or not!
  7. If you can get a room in the hotel hosting the convention…do it. It may be more expensive but, it will be worth it!
  8. Do not just sit around in the lobby (if you can help it)- you will be missing so much if you do! It’s not worth it!
  9. Take lots of pictures! Majira Strawberry once said that he wished he took more photos because he could not remember most of what he did at the convention (since it went by so fast)! He was right! Without pictures, I would be lost as to half of the things I saw and did at the convention! So take pictures and make memories!
  10. Do not flood the popular fursuiters! Ask their permission to get a pic, if they are busy then come back later. Do not bother fursuiters in the headless lounge! That is our place to relax!



Captain (far left), LolliHolli (left), Match (middle), Midnight (right), and Rune (far right)

  • Would I change anything about my experience?

—While I loved TFF to death, there are a few things that I wish I could have changed about my first experience. Firstly, I would have planned out some more panels. I had no idea how much down-time there was going to be between panels and people just not really suiting and etc…so I wish I had seen more things and gotten involved in more events.

Another thing I would have changed would have been to have more reliable handlers. It might sound mean, but, while the handlers Captain and I had were good at times, we needed handlers to be there for us at ALL times, but we spent a lot of time wandering alone…and that can be dangerous. Plus, it would have been easier to get pictures. We missed a lot of good photo ops because there was no one there to take a picture for us, so there’s that. But, had there have been an emergency of some kind, without a handler, we could have been in some really serious shit (pardon my language).

I def would have liked to stay at the hotel hosting the convention. We were going for cheap rather than convenient…but with how often I was hopping out of Rune and then back in Rune and not wanting to carry him around, well, it was too many visits to the car to put him away. That and, changing in the headless lounge or a bathroom somewhere is not as comfy as if we had our own rooms. Or, if we just wanted to nap but did not want to sleep on a table…that would have been nice too since convention rules state that you’re not really allowed to sleep on hotel property unless you are in your own room.

Lastly, I wish I had really made more friends. I found that even in my fursuit I was still really shy. I was reserved and even in some pics I look ‘uncomfortable’ even though I wasn’t…I was just shy. But, even though my buddy Captain is the best con pal you can have, when we split up, I was bored and very lonely. I watched a bunch of convention videos after the con ended, and I realized that the #1 reason why those con videos are so magical s because it’s full of groups of friends goofing off together. You would see these groups everywhere having fun…and they had the best pics, the best memories, the best videos…all because they had a group to experience the convention with. Call me envious, but, I would like to have even more people to hang out with next year.

Oh…and I’m bringing my own car this time…
No more of that bus nonsense and relying on other people…



Captain and Rune with Cade Cardigan Corgy!

  • Conclusion:

—Overall I could not have had a better time at TFF. It was bumpy, sure…and there are things I would have liked to change but, altogether I see it as a learning experience / something I can really draw from and use to prepare myself for next year. It took me awhile to write this blog because it was my first con, and with that come a lot of emotions. But, I did it.

Next year I won’t put off the blogs for so long, and I will write them sooner to keep them more relevant…but you can trust me when I say that Furry Conventions are an amazing place to be. They can be a bit pricey, they are not always what you might expect…but this can be for the better. I know I spent a lot more money than I thought, got some amazing souvenirs and got to see some amazing suits, even more amazing talent, all while helping a good cause…but yes, if you have a Furry Convention that you have been debating on going to…go…just go…I do not think you will regret it!

So hey, thanks so much for tuning in and reading this blog! I am very humbled by your continued support! Do not forget to watch my TFF videos down below, and as always, I will see you all in the next one 😉

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