Rune's Furry Blog

Furry Highlights!

A petition to class all Furry activities as Zoophilia?


Recently I saw on social media that furries are starting to notice a petition circulating…and this petition is trying to get ALL Furry activities classed as Zoophilia.

One of the most common misconceptions of the Furry Fandom has always been that it is synonymous with bestiality (the act of having sex with an animal). Even though it has been proven time and time again that the Furry fandom as a whole has NOTHING to do with Zoophilia of any sort…naturally, there are those that continue to shout that Furries are disgusting and just want to sleep with their pets.

It’s gotten to the point where people aren’t even TRYING to understand the fandom…they just want to hate on anything that is outside of their personal comfort zone. This petition only needs 500 more signatures to go to the US Senate and US House of Representatives…and while I am in no way scared of it having any affect on the fandom (as far as real legal matters), it more or less just has me flabbergasted that people could still be so ignorant.

The Furry Fandom is not in the closet anymore…it has become more and more mainstream as the years go on. But, with that being said, I still feel like a lot of the Furry Fandom is being misrepresented. How? Well…take a look at what you have seen in the media.

When a reporter from an actual news station talks about furries, they go to con. But, who do they normally interview? Fursuiters…
Now, people who dress up in the fandom are great. But, they are just a small percentage of the whole fandom. And yet, the way the reporters make it sound, they are the ENTIRE fandom. That every furry eventually makes a costume of a character and parades around in it. Also, when they ask people to explain the furry fandom, the person that talks always says something about it being for people who are normally shy and/or just socially awkward. That they can hide behind an animal face, meow, bark, or whatever…and be someone completely different. That’s great…for some, this is the truth. But what about the artwork? What about admiration for anthropomorphic animals? What about the people that don’t have a fursona? What about the artists, the writers, the musicians inspired by the fandom…
What about making friends? What about the online aspect??? So much is left out that there is no wonder that people (who for some odd reason lack the motor skills to use google) have the idea that the furry fandom in its entirety is based around dancing animal suits, hugging, and complete envasion of personal space. I feel like the reports are rigged to make furries look crazy…to look stupid.

Am I the only one seeing this???

Other times that you see furries…guess where they are? Addiction shows, weird habit shows. They are kids, teens, and even adults that take being a Furry to a type of extreme to where they are placed on these shows as oddities of the human race to be gawked at and made fun of. Furry, Therian, Otherkin…to someone who has not even bothered to understand what these things are outside of these shows…they think we are all crazy, all weird, and unstable. They act as though being Furry is something that requires an intervention or a cure…

And guess what? That ignorance produces petitions like the one mentioned above.

It’s frustrating…it angers me. How is stuff like this still possible? How is it okay for people to still be so ignorant and so hateful? So…tell you what, some people are already on the petition and leaving comments on their thoughts. I almost challenge this to go somewhere in the legal system (which it won’t because luckily some people in this Country still have a brain)— so if you follow the link to the petition, feel free to leave a post on what you really think of the whole thing. I know that I’m going to.

Idk…maybe I am overreacting to this…but at my age, I just cannot fathom people being this stupid. Feel free to leave me a comment with your thoughts. More interviews coming this week.

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2 thoughts on “A petition to class all Furry activities as Zoophilia?

  1. All people are sexual. No one can deny that.


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