Rune's Furry Blog

Furry Highlights!

The “Welcome” F.A.Q!

By NexyPoptarts
**Art by Nexybutt (FA)**

I have never been good with the introductions, but what else can I say other than “Welcome to my Blog”?

Instead of telling you about me right away…I will keep it simple and answer some questions you might be having:


  • What is the point of this blog?

The point of this blog is talking about the Furry fandom.
Whether this be about art, suits, things in the media, or etc…if I think it’s important to discuss and it concerns Furries, then it will be here.


  • What are Furry highlights?

Furry Highlights focuses on all furries EVERYWHERE!
It does not matter if you have a full suit, partial suit, no suit, no art, or whatever. So long as you have a character and have a story as to how you came across the fandom and/or why you joined in on being a Furry, I want to showcase everyone. Because I understand that at times, people tend to feel invisible in the fandom…and I want to combat that by giving anyone and everyone a chance in the spotlight- to be seen and to be known!


  • What are your goals when it comes to this blog?

My goals? Quite simply…I want to make the Furry fandom a better place. I want to be a voice of reason amongst utter chaos (at times). I want to find a way to band us all together as one group and one family…and I want to cut the drama where I can. I want to showcase those that are lesser known and help them find their voice. I want to help people get ‘known’ for all the right reasons rather than all the wrong ones. I want to post things that are educational, and things that will open people’s eyes. And I want to be a sort of guide for some of the younger and newer furries in the fandom where I can.


  • If I want to be interviewed, how would I do that? What do I need in order to be interviewed???

If you want to be interviewed, you can always comment on my blog and drop me a link to a place where I might reach you (facebook, furaffinity, Twitter).  You just need a character and be a Furry. No art or suit required. Just be prepared to answer some questions!!! 😀


That’s all there is to it really!
So again, welcome to my Blog…I look forward to seeing new followers, new faces, and look forward to seeing the good things this blog might bring. It might be slow-going since I still have to set up a YouTube and all of that…but ultimately, once this thing gets kicked into gear and the ball gets rolling, hopefully there will be no stopping it.

Thanks again for checking this out, and let’s make this fandom a better place, even if it’s just one blog post at a time 😀

Rune’s Facebook Page:
Rune’s Furaffinity:
Rune’s YouTube Channel:

5 thoughts on “The “Welcome” F.A.Q!

  1. Hey!

    I was searching for protogens when I found your post ‘Protogens are the new craze!!!’ and loved it!

    I was checking the where to find protogens section and realized my site would be perfect for a mention there!

    Recently I’ve created a small content sharing site for Protogens / Synths, and would love to recommend it to help fill a slot!

    The website (if you wanna check it out)

    I created it to make it easier for new furries to get introduced to the fandom and to help the Protogen and Synth communities grow!

    Either way I love your blog and hope you don’t stop ^u^,
    Happy writing!


  2. Btw i forgot to mention a way for you to contact me ~x~
    here’s a few of my socials ^^


  3. Telegram: @CyroPaws
    Twitter: @PawsCyro


  4. Angela(carina)Hall on said:

    I have a fursonia, im a dragon but I dont have a suit looking for one has been a battle for years and im 50 now can you give any advice


    • Social Media (especially Facebook and Twitter) are very easy to navigate and find Furry Resources and people to talk to. I would start with Facebook. Join some Furry Groups and get to know some people. There are even fursuit dealer groups where you can find fursuit makers and artists.


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