Rune's Furry Blog

Furry Highlights!

Fursuit Friday Feature #14: BILLY LUGOSI


Hello everyone, and, HAPPY FURSUIT FRIDAY!!!
Like every other week, today is my favorite day of them all…and not just because I then have the weekend to do as i please, but, it’s because today is the day that I get to show off another amazing Fursuit!!! For the last 3-4 weeks (and even farther back), we have had some amazing submissions. We have had fuzzy lions, adorable foxes, an inflatable dolphin, and then a chibi Angel Dragon.

So, for this week to kind of mix it up from the cute and fluffy, I decided to take things in a more “cool” direction, and introduce you to the ever-suave and classy: Billy Lugosi!!! this suit stands out to me for multiple reasons. Not only because the intricate face pattern, but this Fursona has an amazing hair style to boot…not to mention that his is amazing in front of a camera.

I was very excited when I offered to interview this awesome creature and he accepted. So, before I ramble on any further, let us get down to the interview and learn a little bit more about this interesting character!!!

1: Name: William Rodriguez
2: Character Name: Billy Lugosi
3: Character Species: Spectacled Flying Fox (Fruit Bat)

4: Fursuit Maker: Cuttlebone :

5: Total Cost:
He was made from an amalgam of on-hand materials and bought supplies… so less than $500.

6: How long did it take you to get your Fursuit?
Maybe a few months from the start of construction.

7: When did you decide that you wanted a Fursuit?
When I started dating my current partner I was introduced into the ‘fursuiting’ and fursuit-making’ world. After a year or so of being together and having the opportunity to observe a fursuit being constructed from start to finish, I guess the idea of owning one kind of grew on me until I wanted one for myself.

I think after my first convention (FWA 2013) was when I began to mull about commissioning, or making my own fursuit. Between all the room partying and browsing the artist’s alley and dealer’s den, I definitely noticed something; conventions were really focused around the fursuits… and the dancing. Outside my circle of Virginia Beach friends, no one really remembered me being at FWA’13; now, loads more people remember seeing ‘the punk fruit bat with the pompadour.’ I guess, in a way, it was an avenue for me to solidify my existence in this strange fandom. I was leaving more of an impression on people with my character opposed to anything else.

8: Do you go out in public while wearing your suit? Tell us one of your favorite experiences!
I normally don’t go out in my suit solo, but I like wearing it in groups with other fursuiters. I hate being the center of attention for too long so I like anonymity in numbers.

9: Have you been to any Cons in suit? If you have gone to multiple ones, which one is your favorite and why?
I’ve been to several cons since my first: FWA three times, TFF, FTM, Furry New Years Ball, MFF. If I had to choose my favorite con it would be FWA – I’ve just never had a bad time there. MFF is definitely fun too, but I’ve only been there once – gotta go again to make sure .

10: How have people reacted to your Fursuit while you are out in Public?
The usual reaction is a stare and an awkward smile or giggle. People usually want to take pictures or interact with me. I like hearing peripheral voices like, ‘OMG look!’, or ‘what is that?’ I think sometimes I enjoy being around non-furries in suit sometimes. You’re putting a highlight in someone’s otherwise ordinary day.

11: What was your main goal in getting a suit? Did you have any plans for it or did you just get one for fun?
Well back to previous answer where I stated that having a fursuit solidified my purpose for being in the fandom. I have a lot of social anxiety and I’m a huge introvert so being able to remain anonymous while being in public was a huge thing for me. I want to make friends, I want to do silly shit in public and still retain my dignity, haha. It helped/helps me break out of my bubble.

12: How do you act differently in suit VS when you are dressed as you normally would?
Out of suit, I’m pretty straight-faced and less approachable. I’m quiet, shy, and reserved. In suit, I’m much more inclined to be mischievous and exude ‘the attitude’ that comes with my character.

13: What is your least favorite thing about wearing a Fursuit?
My least favorite part of wearing the fursuit is probably the fact that your character is very same-faced, no matter how you feel on the inside. So occasionally you may run into the problem of needing to get to spot where you can just chill, but you’re being constantly stopped for hugs and pictures. Luckily for me, I have no qualms with removing my head in public. I know a lot fursuiters think it’s taboo to ‘ruin the magic,’ but as for me, nah.

14: What advice would you give first-time Fursuiters and those considering getting a Fursuit?
So you want to get a fursuit? Awesome! Join the ranks! Please consider your choice of maker carefully… do your research. Discover the pros and cons of every make and model of fursuit out there. Ask friends online. A good idea is to ask a local friend who already owns one: What do you like/dislike about your fursuit? Can I try the head/body suit on? If you have multiple friends that own suits from different makers, that’s even better! Find out which style fits your taste the best. Remember, you’re about to throw upwards of several thousands of dollars down on this purchase. A fursuit is an investment choice one can’t smartly decide overnight.

Also… prepare to sweat! Fursuits are made of faux fur and high density upholstery foam, if not resin – which traps even more air in. You’re a walking sweat box in a matter of minutes sometimes. You need to be hydrated… like yesterday. Drink plenty of water… eat something light so you have energy. Be familiar with the zippers and snaps on your suit in case you need to quickly get out of suit on your own.

You’ll be smart to invest in some kind of compression gear or dive skin that can make getting in and out of less troublesome and less itchy; also you’ll want, and NEED, an extra barrier to keep excess sweat from getting on the fabric of your suit. Buy a hang-air drying fan to air out your body suit after use and maybe a small fan to dry out your head as well. Dryer sheets with a fresh scent really help to absorb odor and freshen up your head when it’s not in use. And a good rule of thumb is to just wash the suit after coming back from a convention, even before going if it’s been in storage for some time. Make sure to brush your suit often before and after wearing it with a wire dog grooming brush to keep your longer fur from getting wavy and tangled.

15: Do you think you will ever get another suit in the future? Would it be an upgrade to your current suit or a different character?
I probably will get another version of my character someday. Whether I’ll make it myself or commission it is still undecided.

16: Do you make any videos while in suit (YouTube):
I have been in some videos… nothing too big, just silly stuff for a laugh.

Unfortunately, I was not able to find said videos…but it would be cool to someday see this Fursuit in action 🙂

But, I really liked reading this interview afterwards. It would seem that the person underneath the character actually has some really good advice and has really done his research when it comes to Fursuits. I agree with what he has to say though. Fursuits are a VERY big investment and must be considered VERY carefully. You have to choose a maker, then decide if the character you are thinking about having done is one you will wear for a long time to come. While some people feel it is necessary to have a suit in the fand,…be aware that only 15%-20% of the fandom actually suits…so, do what makes you feel comfortable 🙂

It’s also amazing to see the contrast of the people while in their suit versus how they are outside of it. Also the contrast between looks. Some Fursonas tend to look similar to their creator, and others are completely different. That is why Fursuit Friday is always such a treat for me, and, readers have shown that they really like these blog posts as well!!!

So thank you Billy for participating in the Fursuit Friday Feature for this week! If YOU would like to one day be featured in the Fursuit Friday Feature for this blog, I am always looking to do new interviews! All you have to do is drop a comment down below with a link to your FB, FA, or DA where I might be able to contact you. Also, if you have friends that might be interested, don’t hesitate to share this blog with them!!! But, thanks so much for tuning in. I really love writing for this fandom and showcasing all the different people within it. Doesn’t matter to me…regufur, watcher, artist, crafter, or suiter. You are all unique to me and I can’t wait to showcase you some day!
But, that’s all I have for now…so, as always, I will see you all in the next blog 😉

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