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Archive for the tag “personal story”

Sharing a Furry Fandom Comic + thoughts


Art by Keovi

Hi, hi everyone!
It has been awhile since I wrote an ACTUAL blog outside of my interviews and such. But there have been some things that have been on my mind lately that I really feel I should put my two cents is…

…and that is the Furry Fandom and how it’s so divided because of how people view furries and the idea that being a furry is sexual. So, I thought I would just take a moment to talk about that, and then show off a comic I just found today.

So, let’s get right into it:

DISCLAIMER: The following thoughts and comic below contain NSFW (not safe for work) content and it is advised that you are 18+ to view.  Also, these thoughts merely reflect my own personal opinion. I am not forcing my views on others, only ask that they be more open-minded and more educated on certain matters.

  • Is the furry fandom all about sex?

—Of course it’s not. The fandom (as stated on any website and as told by any personal knowledgeable of the fandom) is all about the liking of anthropomorphic animals. Animals with human-like qualities. That is the ONLY thing that defines a furry. BUT, before you go saying: “See? I knew sex had nothing to do with the fandom!” you have to acknowledge that while it is not applicable for everyone…sometimes being a furry can be a fetish for someone. Same as we do indeed have zoophiles in the fandom (even though we do not condone this behavior and most places will ban or delete any bestiality posts they find). These people exist, but they do not define the fandom as a whole. And for those that consider ‘furry’ as alternative-sex…they should not be shamed or even shunned for it because guess what? Sex is normal.


  • Sex is normal:

—And sex exists in ALL fandoms. Even the most innocent thing eventually ends up getting porn drawn of it and someone that actually finds it attractive and a turn-on. We do have kids in the fandom, yes. But, it’s not our responsibility as a fandom to be their parents. So while I agree that social sites with rules on porn (like facebook) should be censored, sites like Furaffinity with its labeling system should not be the target of people complaining that NSFW is disgusting and not what the fandom is about…just because there are children. The warning labels are there, and, if their parents can’t keep track of them then it’s not our fault they ended up seeing a penis.
Also, the more you ‘shame’ sex…the more you draw attention to the fandom. You validate it when people say the fandom is full of freaks because you are making a natural act suddenly “unnatural”. You are wagging the finger at normal people doing normal things with loved ones and partners. you are shaming a typical act carried out by consenting adults…and fueling the fires of hatred, disgust, and fear just because it’s something that you yourself are not into.

  • But some of those kinks tho…

—I will agree that some of the fetish art in the fandom goes beyond me. But, I can’t really shame them because I understand that I have kinks of my own that some people would easily look down on and criticize if they had the chance. Lets be clear, bestiality and anything relating to pedophilia will NEVER be okay. These things are illegal (in most places) for a damn good reason…and luckily, most furry sites have taken stances against said-things. However, your typical fetishes like latex, inflation, BDSM, plushies, and feet…all of these things existed outside of the fandom first, and naturally, with sexually-active people being furries, and sex being normal, those fetishes were bound to leak into the fandom at some point. Also, some of us actually found the furry fandom through fetishes. Can it get overwhelming at times? Yes. In fact, on FA it feels like the people addicted to vore all post at the same time every day. However, there is a little thing called a “filter”, and they exist for a fucking reason…


  • Filters exist for a reason:

—Time for people to stop whining all the time. If you don’t like something, slap a filter on it. On facebook, you can easily hide posts you don’t like. You can even hide users, you can block them, and you can unfollow so that their material does not show up on your feeds. On FA they have the SFW-filter which allows you to get rid of all the adult and mature content on your feed so that you’re not seeing all the sex and fetish stuff. And it actually works!!! So, instead of posting on every, single, adult-post saying how: “This isn’t what the fandom is about” or saying: “Ugh. This fandom should not have sex in it.” and etc etc etc like an A+ douche-canoe…please be the bigger person, show an ounce of maturity and just hide the post, block the person, or move right along like any normal, sensible person would do.

So, in conclusion to that small little rant…the furry fandom is not all about sex. In fact, “furries” by themselves are nothing sexual…but sex does exist as an extra to some furries, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of! The media doesn’t help either…goodness knows I have seen plenty of interviews that paint furries as mental-messes and sexual deviants and it makes me wanna scream because I understand that this is MASSIVE misrepresentation!!
Still, to say that sex has no place in the fandom and that you’re against sex…well, unless you can be an adult and just move right along from it like I mentioned above, you really don’t have a place in this fandom because an attitude like that is toxic. All it does is give power to those who hate furries, and it alienates our fandom even further as something strange and unnatural. Furries are meant to be tolerant…the fandom is meant to be a safe space, a tolerant space for those who are different and want to show the world who they really are in a way that feels comfortable and secure.

But anyways…ON TO THE COMIC!!!!

The comic

Check it out via the link HERE


This comic was originally published on Oh Joy, Sex Toy by Keovi and Kyell Gold.

  • Why is this comic important?

To be honest, this comic is important because it reflects on a lot more furries than you would think. I can already list over 50 furries whom I know that relate to this story, to how they found this fandom, and etc. From the break-ups, to their first relationship being furry and online…to the sexual mishaps, even from the changing of a character to better reflect themselves. And the thing is…I am one of them.

I joined the furry fandom in 2007 and even then, I was a “closet-fur”. I never told anyone I was a furry. Even the person that introduced me to the fandom knew better than to call me a furry in front of my friends. I grew up in a place where being furry was weird and it was misunderstood. Hell, I did not even fully understand the fandom until 2014. That’s 7-years I thought being a furry was a fetish and then suddenly realized it wasn’t all about sex and fetishes…so I can understand why people get mad and think that it is but shouldn’t be and etc. But case-and-point those people that think that way are just ill-informed same as I was ill-informed.

But, I did start my adventure under a guise. I played Furcadia…I role-played. I had several “sexual” encounters online…I even have a character who is only known for that because that’s how I played her. That character, what I was doing…it seems silly now, almost embarrassing at times – but, I was discovering myself. I was young and I was experimenting. But, I was doing it in a way that was still safe, that was still private…in a way I would not get hurt and I realize now, it was with people I knew I could trust.

This comic is important because it shows that sex is normal…that the act of it is part of growing up. That being in the fandom can be the time when we grow up as well, that the fandom might be the place where we do our growing, and it can teach us life lessons in multiple forms. It shows that the fandom has been an “opportunity” of sorts for people…whether it is an opportunity to fly our true flag and colors, whether that be our opportunity to experience love, or, yes, whether that be our opportunity to experience sex and fetishes…the fandom holds many different things for many different people, and we all have our own things we have gained from this fandom, this family, this place. We have experienced friendship, love, loss, heartbreak…pain and anger, happiness, and we have all had our own strokes of luck.

So while some people will grumble and say: “I thought this was going to show me how to talk about furries…and for something saying it’s not about sex, it shows a lot of sex.” I really think you’re missing the point of it. It’s showing that for some people, this fandom is life. It takes us down a road of experiences…and while those experiences vary from person-to-person…even if the fandom has sexual stuff in it, there’s MORE to it than that, and that above all, we as a fandom should be able to embrace these things. Because it’s normal…we are normal.

Anyways, that was just my two-cents on it.

Thank you all so much for watching!!! Furry Friday Feature is tomorrow, and I really hope you like it! As always, feel free to drop your thoughts and ideas in the comment-section below, and, I will see you all in the next blog 😉

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