Rune's Furry Blog

Furry Highlights!

#bringemmaback2018 – Incident at BLFC


Biggest-Little-Furcon, a furry convention taking place in Nevada for well over 5 years now. It sported over 3,500 attendees last year and raised $36,000 for charity. A lot of my favorite suiters attend this con yearly, and I will admit that I have never heard anything bad about it.

But this year the convention has taken the Furry Fandom by storm due to a bullying incident surrounding a girl named Emma.

Emma was attending the con and gathering around for the furuit photo shoot that takes place before/after every fursuit parade. That’s when she was approached by two mice that started to bully her about her fursuit. The young woman was so embarrassed that she ran out without her Father saying that she hated being a Furry and that she did not want to be in the fandom anymore. Here is the story as told by a witness:

Now, I’m not one to go around spreading unnecessary Furry drama. Bad things happen in the fandom all the time…BUT, bullying is NEVER okay. The Furry fandom is a very accepting place. We often welcome in everyone and do not judge backgrounds, illnesses, lifestyles, etc. But if there is one thing the Furry fandom is NOT tolerant of…it’s bullies.

This little girl loves furries and just wanted to be part of the con in her fursuit. It does not matter that she was wearing a maskimal…it should not matter that she didnt have full sleeves or paws…or anything like that.
As a fandom, we have to remember that this is a place in which we show our creativity! In this fandom, some people buy their suits, and some people make them. Some people are full-suiters, and some only wear partials. There are those still trying to afford a whole suit, so maybe they are just wearing a head.

Some people at conventions dress in tails and ears, and some people just wear their regular clothes. It’s the fact that we can all be varied and yet come together to celebrate the same things that make us the amazing fandom that we are!!!

But hey, at least this story has a happy ending!

After Emma was bullied and ran out of the con, the Father and witnesses banded together to get her back at BLFC. People started rallying being hashtags such as #emmaisawesome & #bringemmaback2018 in order to show their support on multimedia platforms.

Emma’s instagram was blown up with nothing but kind words from those that wanted her to still have the best Furry convention of her life, and art thread-after-art thread have been popping up in Furry groups across facebook gathering art for Emma of her cute tiger sona.

As for the mice, at least one of them has been pointed out by Emma (to the con staff which is proper procedure) and their badge has been taken from them. Their names have not been made public for good reason, and for their sake…I really hope it stays that way. Hopefully this will teach them a lesson about making fun of little girls.

Let this be a lesson to anyone that thinks making fun of someone is okay that there are consequences to your actions! Keep your negative thoughts to yourself. No one has any more entitlement to be in this fandom than the other person. Material possessions do NOT make you any more of a Furry than anyone else. Now Emma is getting the love and support she deserves from this amazing fandom, and the bullies will be sitting at home missing the rest of an amazing convention.

But, if you would also like to show Emma some love and support, you can find her official Twitter handle:


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3 thoughts on “#bringemmaback2018 – Incident at BLFC

  1. Brownee Bear Aka Shiro Hasegawa .(Furry And Mascot Performer) on said:

    I like to add more Don,t forget some furs actully have a mascot type costume to match the Fursona. I have A suit that matches my fursona Its A Bear I actully bought this bear at the costume shop. I,m very pleased Some common sense furs see my suit as a Fursuit. But bullying other furs is a no no Some of us dont make that income . To buy a Fursuits. You haffta to make do of what you have. This is wrong how other furs bullied this fur. This is not right.


    • I agree.
      Not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on suits nor do they always have the ability to. Some actually prefer mascot suits to custom-made fursuits as well…and people are allowed to have that preference. This is a fandom of creative freedom and that freedom of expression. So I could not agree more that it was not right how she was bullied just because the mice in question did not like her suit.

      But I am glad it had a happy ending and that this little girl got so much love and support from the community after the incident. It’s a reminder as to why the Furry Fandom is such an amazing place! 🙂


  2. Pingback: Meet Emma the Tiger – A Showcase of Fandom Love from BLFC 2018 | Dogpatch Press

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